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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Dems Working with Docs on Medicaid Expansion; Daugaard Open?

Could Medicaid expansion happen this year? South Dakota has already given up two of the best years of the federal government's offer under the Affordable Care Act to cover most of the cost of putting 48,000 low-income South Dakotans on…

Daugaard Letting Political Capital Go to Waste

Jonathan Ellis comes to the same conclusion I offered after the budget address two months ago:—with his vanilla budget, Governor Dennis Daugaard is letting his enormous political capital go stale: Dennis Daugaard won a crushing victory in November. By a…

Sen. Novstrup Shares Comparison of Road Tax-Fix Plans

How I wish I could be in Aberdeen to join Ken Santema at the Legislative crackerbarrels! My Libertarian blogospheric colleague is providing excellent coverage of Legislative issues. Yesterday he got hold of a useful handout from Senator David Novstrup (R-3/Aberdeen)…

Leola Superintendent: Teacher Pay Depends on State Funding

Rebuttal of the week to gubernatorial malarkey on K-12 education funding comes from Leola superintendent Brian Heupel, who offers this observation on Governor Dennis Daugaard's persistent shirking of responsibility for South Dakota's perennial barrel-bottom teacher pay: "The governor always says…

Daugaard Forks Tongue on EPA Regulations, Funding for Roads and Schools

I must give John Tsitrian kudos for catching Governor Dennis Daugaard in a brilliant contradiction. In Tuesday's Rapid City Journal, Governor Daugaard responds to a question about South Dakota's weak regulations on uranium mining by saying, "I don't like the…

Daugaard Agnostic on Teacher Shortage; Legislators Peeling Away from Denialism

I guess Governor Daugaard is going to go full-tilt global-warming denialism on South Dakota's teacher shortage: Instead of offering answers during an appearance on Argus Leader's "100 Eyes" program, the governor asked questions. He also questioned the state's culpability for…