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Posts tagged as “education”

SB 163 Would Restore State Matching Funds for Teach for America

The Legislature isn't totally ignoring the needs of education and American Indians in South Dakota. Senate Bill 163 would restore state matching funds for Teach for America, the private non-profit that recruits dozens of young teachers for reservation schools in…

Sloppy SB 164 Requires Civics Test for High School Graduation

Senator Phil Jensen (R-33/Rapid City) has brought us Senate Bill 164, to require every student to pass a civics test before graduating high school. This bill continues our Legislature's dogged refusal to address the fundamental problem facing South Dakota's K-12…

Moonshot Teacher Pay Plan Makes Mainstream Press

Patrick Anderson features my moonshot plan to raise teacher pay $10,000, to 34th in the nation, on the education e-pages of that Sioux Falls paper. My plan secures that monumental raise, around $92 million a year spread among about 9,200…