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Posts tagged as “elections”

Madison Votes Tomorrow on New High School Gym

Contrary to Bob Mercer's confusion, I remain a registered voter in Lake County, like hundreds of other registered voters spend much less time and have much less stake in my home turf. Last week I exercised my right to vote…

Federal Grant Supports Development, Marketing of Online Absentee Voting

Among my simple pleasures: seeing blogger-turned-patronage beneficiary Pat Powers celebrate the receipt of federal government handouts. The Secretary of State's operations chief sent out a press release Friday trumpeting the arrival of nearly one million dollars from the Federal Voting…

MHS New Gym Plan Cuts New Taxes by 70%

Officials Consider Changing 60% Vote Threshold? The Madison High School Facility Committee is hurrying to approve a revamped plan to build a new gym and renovate the 1960's high school building. The group appears to be following a timetable that…

Thompson, Miller Win; 15% Turnout for School Board Race

The results are in... and I am not! On the school board, that is. My "concession speech" (complete with vote tables, courtesy of KJAM!) is available on my campaign website. Short form: thanks for the 448 votes! One correspondent e-mailed…

SB 138: Non-Constitutional Revamp of Electoral College

Senate Bill 138 is the South Dakota incarnation of legislation promoted nationwide by the National Popular Vote movement. The bill is actually an agreement to join an interstate compact in which member states promise to appoint their delegates to the…