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Posts tagged as “energy”

Also Absent from Daugaard’s Agenda: Renewable Energy

Glaringly absent from Governor Dennis Daugaard's State of the State Address yesterday was any mention of the teacher shortage or Medicaid expansion. Dakota Rural Action's recharged legislative blog notes another notable gap in the Governor's priorities—energy policy: Another topic that…

War on Energy? Obama Fuel Standards Help Lower Gasoline Prices

Pat Powers keeps using the phrase "war on energy," as in, "the Obama Administration[']s EPA continues to prosecute their war on energy production." Hey, Pat, buy gas lately? I saw $2.19 per gallon yesterday. If these gas prices are a…

Interview: David Allen Seeks PUC Seat to Check Corporate Power

David Allen wants to replace Gary Hanson on the Public Utilities Commission. The Yankton electrical contractor expresses a healthy concern about corporate power in government and wants to focus on protecting South Dakotans' pocketbooks. Allen, a Democrat, has run for…

Guest Videos: Stan Gibilisco on Alternative Energy

That thunder you hear around Lead is the brainstorm Stan Gibilisco is having about alternative energy. The Black Hills (Black Holes?) thinker and tinkerer offers his thoughts about hooking up solar and wind power. First he proposes a state-tribal collaboration…

South Dakota Leads Nation in Percentage of Electricity from Wind

South Dakota's wind power blows me away this morning. A Future Structure article reports that Kansas is swiftly expanding its wind power generation capacity, with Kansas utilities getting 19.4% of their electricity from wind power. Future Structure says that percentage…

Weiland Opposes Keystone XL

Rick Weiland makes clear he's my kind of Democrat. In a March 10 interview with Tasiyagnunpa Livermont on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation, Weiland says that, polls be darned, he opposes the Keystone XL pipeline: Weiland says proponents are…