An eager reader waves at me Alan Guebert's column on surprises in the Farm Bill and asks what I think. I think I'd like to hear an explanation from Rep. Kristi Noem. Guebert notes that Republicans in Congress are upset…
Posts tagged as “farm bill”
Indulge me in some fiction: One of my former French students e-mailed me yesterday to tell me she finally finished her group Food Board project. Students had to work together to combine pictures, maps, and charts showing where and how…
Toby did a great job highlighting Congresswoman Kristi Noem's failure to keep COOL. Here are a few more notes on the 2012 Farm Bill, which Noem has dragged out to 2014, and which lays bare Noem's false Tea Party credentials:…
South Dakota's lone U.S. Representative, Kristi Noem, seems to be faced with more and more reasons to regret being named to the as yet ineffectual Farm Bill Conference Committee. What at first gave Noem and her supporters reasons to crow…
Evidently hard-pressed for thoughtful content, this morning's Rapid City Journal reprints Rep. Kristi Noem's press release from December 13 about what a great job she's doing bringing home the Farm Bill... which remains a bill, not a law, as Kristi…
Congresswoman Kristi Noem's "tenacity and dedication" to passing a Farm Bill have proven illusory and useless. Politico reports that Noem and her colleagues will fail to pass a Farm Bill before going on Christmas vacation: Farm bill negotiators conceded Tuesday…
As a rhetorical tool in their war on the poor, Republican class warriors like to argue that Congress should separate the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (a.k.a. food stamps) from the Farm Bill. State Rep. Stace Nelson made the point in…