My friend and Madison ex-pat Wendell Garwood moved to Finland in 1999. Finland's universal health care system hasn't killed him yet. Wendell has his waits, and he misses having his own regular doctor, but the Finnish system is keeping him,…
Posts tagged as “Finland”
Alas, even my fellow teachers can get policy wrong. The Newark, New Jersey, teachers union just voted to accept a contract that includes merit pay. Of course, if you back teachers to the wall and drag them through two years…
The Finns again! Twitter friend and fellow teacher Jeremy Hurd points me toward Finnish education expert Pasi Sahlberg's own recapitulation of what's right with Finnish education and what's wrong with American education reform efforts. Actually, Sahlberg sees a global education…
My bedtime reading last night was Anu Partanen's article on "the stunning success of the West's reigning education superpower, Finland." Partanen's assessment, relying heavily on Finnish education official and author Pasi Sahlberg, points out that almost everything the Finns have…