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Posts tagged as “First Amendment”

Spearfish Jesus Statue Proposal Triggers Church-State Concerns

Spearfish developer Rand Williams has yet to start pouring footings for his giant statue of Jesus on top of the Thoen Stone monument or Lookout Mountain or anywhere else around Spearfish. City administrator Joe Neeb is wisely keeping city government…

Jackley Signs on for Theocracy, Wants Prayer at Government Meetings

Theocracy marches on: South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley is throwing in with 23 other AGs with a Christian persecution complex to advocate further violation of the separation between church and state: Attorney General Marty Jackley announces that South Dakota…

TransCanada Screams “Terrorist!” at American Opponents of Keystone XL

Regular readers know I don't go for conspiracy theories. But give me three instances of the powers that be portraying anti-Keystone XL activists as terrorists, and I can't help thinking we face an orchestrated corporate PR campaign. First public officials…

Freedom of the Press Covers Everybody, Not Just Reporters

I blipped Senator Lindsey Graham's doubt about the First Amendment rights of bloggers yesterday. Ken Santema gives Graham's Constitutional nincompoopery much fuller treatment in this post on bloggers, journalists, and freedom of the press. This discussion happens in the context…

Chamberlain Indians Honor Graduates, Respect Law and School Boundaries

The good folks of Chamberlain held their high school graduation ceremony yesterday. Students sat through the standard White/Western formalities organized by the majority culture inside the high school. After that ceremony, students received a second ceremonial recognition from members of…

Schools Require Active Shooter Training: Quakers Need Not Apply?

The Black Hills Pioneer seems to run a new photo each week of hysteria in the Lead-Deadwood school district. We see teachers tackling mock gunmen in active shooter training. We see officers with weapons drawn stalking down the school hallways…