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Posts tagged as “food stamps”

Varilek Defends SNAP; Food Stamps Moral, Watchful of Waste

SDGOP chair Tim Rave has a hyperactive spin cycle. Rather than debating the merits of the farm bill and explaining his gal Rep. Kristi Noem's support for all the corporate welfare therein, he tries to make you think that Democratic…

Noem Speaks, Adds Three Amendments to Farm Bill

Rep. Kristi Noem can sure speak up when she knows the press and the voters are watching. In one marathon hearing Wednesday, our one and only Congresswoman cleared her Fox News calendar and quadrupled the number of statements she's made…

Drug Testing Poor, Vaccination Paranoia Fail in SD Legislature

As the bad news rolls in about the South Dakota Republican Party's continuing war on teachers, I take small comfort in seeing our legislators having the good sense to whack at least a few bad ideas. I noted the demise…