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Posts tagged as “food”

Daugaard, Governors: Free Market Bad, Pink Slime Good!

Update 15:48 MST: I stand corrected by my attentive commenters. Governor Daugaard is still away in China, likely assuring our Eastern overlords that he will continue to advocate for the Keystone XL pipeline, which will help China get more North…

HB 1206: Feed More People!

South Dakota is one of seven states that taxes food. We don't tax the food we give dairy cows; we're so eager to grovel before the dairy industry that we're going to stop taxing the straw those cows sleep on.…

Walgreens Squeezes Consumers on Orange Juice

One of my morning French students asked me last week where I get all my energy. "Breakfast," I said. Two bowls of cereal and orange juice, every day. Well, at least every day that orange juice is on sale. Otherwise,…

HB 1214: Lower SD Food Tax During Good Economic Times

House Bill 1214 is the latest attempt to cut South Dakota's arguably immoral tax on food. It is also the most meager. The bill, sponsored by the surely well-intentioned Rep. Hal Wick (R-12/Sioux Falls), would reduce the state sales tax…

Spearfish Resturant Visit: Do Dough Trader Pizza!

Even if you don't like pizza, you've got to like the view from Dough Trader Pizza: On one of our innumerable strolls and rolls around our new fair city, my wife and I noticed a big "PIZZA" sign off Jackson…

Farm Subsidies Protect National Security… and Other Myths

Don Carr of the Environmental Working Group posts a fine summary of nine bogus arguments made in favor of farm subsidies. Among the myths, Carr tackles the assertion often parroted by Congresswoman and farm-welfare queen Kristi Noem that farm subsidies…

Governor Reverses Charity Sales Tax Stance, Delays Enforcement

As noted yesterday, a newly rediscovered state statute that requires churches to pay sales tax on charity food distributions initially drew a hands-off approach from Governor Dennis Daugaard: In a response letter, Daugaard said that to grant the exemption in…

Food Charities Face Sales Burden: Worth a Special Session Amendment?

If Dakota War College is done hyperventilating about lemonade stands in other states, perhaps my conservative friends would like to light into South Dakota's newfound love of old regulations that may put charitable organizations out of business. Evidently Pierre has…