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Posts tagged as “foreign policy”

Václav Havel, Moral Leadership, Iran, and Ron Paul

Playwright and president—wait. Hear those words together. Czech playwright and president Václav Havel died last night. Communists—not the bullshit bogeymen some Americans see behind every perceived slight against their selfish desires, but real Communists, the kind with tanks and guns…

Ron Paul Says U.S. Meddling Inspires Al-Qaeda

Before patronage took him away from writing Dakota War College, one of Pat Powers's favorite topics was Gerry Lange's position on terrorism (a rather absurd argument to bring up, given that international terrorism and foreign policy aren't really part of…

“Americans Elect” Rolling Survey Results: Adapt, Raise Taxes…

...with a helping of government health insurance and isolationism! A column in the Los Angeles Times gets me interested in Americans Elect, a new effort to conduct a nationwide online primary to nominate a Presidential candidate to challenge the Republican…

Wingnut Wishes Qaddafi Weren’t Dead

If the sun rises during the Obama Administration, everyone's going to get skin cancer. Such is the thinking of right-wing radicals like Ed Randazzo. In Libya, a popular uprising ousts and kills dictator Muammar Qaddafi in less than a year.…

Learning from 9/11 Versus Letting the Terrorists Win

A Facebook friend posts the following: It's not that I'm not patriotic...I am. I love this country. I just don't want to watch anything, read anything or talk about anything related to 9/11. You know why? Because every story ends…

White House Widget Shows How We Spend Each Tax Dollar

I filed my tax return electronically on March 8. My refund (I made out like GE) has been not just deposited but spent. For you poor souls who are still banging away at your W-2's (and there are lots of…