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Posts tagged as “Gordon Howie”

Senate Candidates Weak on Summarizing Positions Online

Did I miss a memo from the political science department declaring issues irrelevant to U.S. Senate campaigns? I check the websites for our four contenders—Marion Michael Rounds, Rick Weiland, Larry Pressler, and Gordon Howie—and find that not one of them…

When Does Life Begin? Before Conception, Says Howie

I had no idea that Gordon Howie would post our Liberty Today conversation about personhood and abortion the same day that I would post about Missouri Governor Jay Nixon's veto of a 72-hour abortion waiting period. But there it is!…

God, Guns, and Gordon… Because Real Policy-Making Is Too Hard

Independent U.S. Senate candidate Gordon Howie gleefully presents his new campaign bumper sticker: God, guns, and Gordon—ah, yes, a perfect triumvirate of things that are mostly useless when it comes to solving practical policy problems. But that's o.k.: you don't…

Senator Johnson Votes Against Senate Interference in Keystone XL

In a symbolic committee vote Wednesday, Senator Tim Johnson had the good sense to reject rank Big Oil propaganda and vote against the Keystone XL pipeline... sort of. The Senate Energy Committee approved Senator Mary Landrieu's (D-LA) pro-Keystone XL bill…