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Posts tagged as “Head Start”

How Does D.C. Booth Hatchery Fit with Policy Priorities?

Now that I see John Tsitrian disagrees with me, I guess I'll have to call him names and stuff, right? The Rapid City businessman looks at the D.C. Booth Fish Hatchery's purported two-million-dollar contribution to Spearfish's 374-million-dollar economy and sneezes:…

Head Start Cuts Reduce Services for Children in Yankton

We've discussed how the inability of Congress and the President to agree on a sensible budget, along with South Dakota's own pigheaded business-über-alles priorities, is leaving South Dakota kids with less access to quality pre-school education. Those budget cuts are…

South Dakota Prioritizes Corporate Handouts over Head Start

The sequester will deny some 200 South Dakota kids the benefits of Head Start. It didn't have to: Senator Stanford Adelstein (R-32/Rapid City) proposed an amendment to the general appropriations bill in March that would have filled the sequester Head…