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Posts tagged as “health care”

South Dakota Puzzlingly Low on Cell Phone Adoption

Blog neighbor Bob Schwartz brings to my attention South Dakota's remarkable lag in cell phone adoption. Now one might think slow uptake of cell phones here on the prairie would be no surprise. We're a sparsely populated state, and it's…

Daugaard Challenges Teabag Health Care Referral

There are two referral movements afoot in South Dakota. Democrats are gathering signatures to refer Governor Dennis Daugaard's economic development grant program (also known as futile corporate welfare) to a public vote in 2012. Teabaggers are gathering signatures to refer…

White House Widget Shows How We Spend Each Tax Dollar

I filed my tax return electronically on March 8. My refund (I made out like GE) has been not just deposited but spent. For you poor souls who are still banging away at your W-2's (and there are lots of…

Hope! Vermont Pushing State Single-Payer Health Insurance!

Republicans are cooing over Rep. Paul Ryan's "budget," a utterly unserious plan based on flim-flam math that doubles the national debt while hammering low-income folks and destroys Medicare and Medicaid. (As an afterthought, the Ryan plan also puts Kristi Noem…

Ryan Would End Medicare and Medicaid: Where’s Noem?

Remember last year when Kristi Noem said she thought privatizing Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security were a good place to start with cutting the federal budget? Remember when she denied she ever said any such thing once pressed on the…

Chiropractors to Straighten out Legislature on Veto Day

Apparently the only folks bent out of shape this fine Veto Day are South Dakota's chiropractors. On what promises to be an otherwise quick and quiet final day of the 2011 Legislative session, chiropractors heading to Pierre by the busload…