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Posts tagged as “health care”

Secretive Medical Culture Protects Bad Doctors, Puts Patients at Risk

Jonathan Ellis shines a harsh light on the culture of secrecy with which state medical boards and hospitals shield doctors from facing the consequences of their malpractice. Focusing on the "trail of pain" left by surgeon Allen Sossan, Ellis shows…

HB 1257 Mandates Autism Coverage; Health Insurance Makes Us All Democrats

When President Obama and Democrats pass a law forcing insurance companies to cover individuals and procedures that they don't consider profitable, Republicans cry bloody constitutional and economic murder. When Republicans pass a law forcing insurance companies to cover individuals and…

ACA Reduces Labor Supply, Increases Liberty

Jana and I are quite happy to see the Affordable Care Act working just the way we expected to end job lock. We are dismayed to see the media working as we have come to expect, getting the story wrong…

Free Market Drives Medicine to Serve Profit, Not Patients

In the Facebook conversation on my post on pro-discrimination Senate Bill 67, my crazy cousin Aaron (not to be confused with my sane wife Erin) maintains that government is a greater threat to liberty than the free market. If you…

Avera Chief Calls for Medicaid Expansion; Catholic Blogger Cranky

Some folks get awfully sensitive when authorities in their own pew disagree with them. John T. Porter, CEO of the Catholic Avera Health, takes to the opinion pages to join most moral and practical South Dakotans in exhorting our Legislature…

Maryland to Tie Hospital Spending Increases to Economic Growth

South Dakota state law currently caps increases in state funding for K-12 education at 3% or the annual percentage change in the consumer price index, whichever is lower. (House Bill 1003 would amend that law to set a minimum annual…

VA Wants to Close Hot Springs VA to Save Money; Noem Objects

From the Bizarro Department, the penny-pinching, smaller-government Obama Administration continues to look into saving money by closing the Veterans Administration facility in Hot Springs: ...the VA is moving forward with an environmental impact study on closing the century-old historic Hot…

Lowe Supports Medicaid Expansion

Gubernatorial candidate Joe Lowe is on the same page as South Dakota doctors and Democrats (and at least one Republican!) in supporting the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion: Are we really going to leave 48,000 without Medicaid? I question why…