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Posts tagged as “health insurance”

Rounds Made $20K on Daschle Pro-ACA Task Force

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Stace Nelson was right when he said his opponent Mike Rounds joined a task force to help Tom Daschle implement the Affordable Care Act. But here's something Stace missed: Rounds didn't just join that task…

ACA Stimulating Economy, Reducing Uninsured Care

You know why Mike Rounds is really losing sleep over the Affordable Care Act? Because it works. Today's evidence: Goldman Sachs researcher Alec Phillips says the ACA's insurance subsidies are stimulating the economy. People are spending more money on health…

HB 1257 Mandates Autism Coverage; Health Insurance Makes Us All Democrats

When President Obama and Democrats pass a law forcing insurance companies to cover individuals and procedures that they don't consider profitable, Republicans cry bloody constitutional and economic murder. When Republicans pass a law forcing insurance companies to cover individuals and…

Bosworth Income: Under $9K. Bosworth Health Premium: Over $9K

The following claims from fake U.S. Senate candidate Annette Bosworth are logically incompatible: In December, Bosworth told the Senate Ethics Committee that from January 1, 2012, to her date of filing, she had earned $17,662. In that same document, Bosworth…