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Posts tagged as “health”

Corndogs for Prostates!

I don't make this stuff up; I just report it. Landscape architecture firm Confluence is hosting a prostate cancer fundraiser at its Sioux Falls office in conjunction with National Corn Dog Day next Saturday, March 23. Proceeds go to the…

Wanted: Prime Sponsor for School Condom Bill

This bill should fit South Dakota like Danny Glover. Hey, South Dakota Legislature! If you can consider House Bill 1087 to keep kids safe, then surely you can round me up a sponsor for this public health and safety bill:…

Save Money, Reduce Crime: Get the Lead Out!

South Dakota has been on a prison bender during the past couple decades, incarcerating people at a faster rate than surrounding states even though our crime rate is about the same as our neighbors'. Governor Daugaard wants to address that…

Noem Prefers Kids Fat and Dead

Congresswoman Kristi Noem has tried to make new federal school lunch guidelines a political issue. Noem considers the issue important enough for photo ops, though not important enough to warrant her attendance at committee meetings on the topic. Noem has…