Score another first for Rick Weiland: he is the first South Dakota politician I've ever heard referred to as "campy" and "queer." Not just campy and queer, but the campiest candidate in America and the queerest candidate in South Dakota.…
Posts tagged as “homosexuality”
Mayor Betsy Hodges of Minneapolis officiated at the wedding of two South Dakotans Saturday: “Congratulations to this fabulous couple. Twenty-seven years together. Twenty-seven years of family. Twenty-seven years of love and commitment,” Mayor Betsy Hodges said at the ceremony. Nancy…
Kudos to Ken Santema for making the drive out to Ipswich for Monday's District 23 GOP House candidates forum. His summary of the candidates' responses to audience questions is a useful guide for voters in the sparse but sprawling north…
Bro-hug for Senator Craig Tieszen, speaking up for LGBT equality! A rally for gay rights Friday night in downtown Rapid City included a speaker not often heard at such gatherings — a Republican lawmaker. Sen. Craig Tieszen, R-Rapid City, was…
Black Hills blogger Bob Ellis bleats that Governor Dennis Daugaard has betrayed the Republican Party by criticizing Senator Phil Jensen (R-33/Rapid City). To support this claim, Ellis points to a letter to the editor in which Glenn T. Freeman of…
The South Dakota Democratic Party continues to signal that 2014 may not be a year of Blue Dog campaigning. Party chair Deb Knecht bases her latest fundraising pitch on a declaration of support for Nancy Robrahn and Jennie Rozenkranz's pending…
Five years ago, Iowa's Supreme Court overturned that state's same-sex marriage ban. A couple dozen states face lawsuits challenging various forms of anti-gay discrimination, now bolstered by the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling last year that the Defense of Marriage Act…
The South Dakota Constitution (Article 21, Section 9) deems same-sex marriages, civil unions, domestic partnerships, and other "quasi-marital relationships" invalid in our unfair state. But the Legislature is prepared to extend a little fairness to homosexuals in domestic abuse situations.…