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Posts tagged as “housing”

Developing Downtown Residential Space Key to Economic Development

When we think about recruiting Minnesotans to move to South Dakota, we often think about selling Minnesota's city dwellers on the merits of rural life. Fresh air! Big skies! More chance of dying in an acc— Ahem. But that shouldn't…

Spearfish Housing Development Kills Three Buffalo

I suppose this story from Spearfish is no more than a postscript to the ecocide of Manifest Destiny, but housing development in the Northern Hills has killed the three buffalo that used to roam the grounds of the High Plains…

Bakken Conference Needs Session to Discuss Eviction of Local Residents

Around 150 people are expected to attend the Black Hills Bakken Conference here in Spearfish today and tomorrow. I'd be interested in attending as well to hear all the tarry-eyed oil-boom boosters tickle our fantasies of petro-wealth and asking if…

Schaefer Shifts TIF Story

The Madison Daily Leader reprints more paid propaganda from the woeful Lake Area Improvement Corporation, this time in defense of the crony capitalism that got taxpayers to foot part of the bill for developing Silver Creek Circle out back of…

Vermillion Flood Relocation Incentives Favor Wealthy Homebuyers

The Vermillion Area Chamber and Economic Development Corporation are trying to turn disaster into local gain by offering money to Missouri River flood victims who will move to Clay County and buy a house. The web announcement indicates the relocation…