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Posts tagged as “income”

South Dakota Last in STEM Pay

Speaking of jobs, Governor Dennis Daugaard has made a big deal of promoting jobs in science, technology, engineering, and math—the STEM jobs toward which we are supposed to retool our education system.... because who needs literature, anyway? But as with…

South Dakota Rocks Real Personal Income Growth in 2011

Last week the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that South Dakota had the lowest positive real GDP growth in the country in 2012. The BEA also reported that South Dakota's real per capita GDP dropped slightly, compared to slight growth…

Drought Lowers Farm Income, Causes Net Economic Loss in South Dakota

Hey, Walt Bones! What happens when you think agriculture is the only option for rural economic development? The weather changes, and you end up being the only state where personal incomes dropped in 2012: Average state personal income growth slowed…

Economic Development Incentives Don’t Boost Wages or Workforce

Mr. Chairman, members of the House State Affairs committee, you have before you Senate Bill 235, which is being hoghoused to carry an omnibus bill addressing economic development, education funding, and affordable housing. This hoghouse appears to be a result…

South Dakota Richer Than We Think: Let’s Budget Accordingly!

I noted in yesterday's post on South Dakota's exported tax burden that, according to 2010 data, South Dakotans earned nearly the national average per capita income but paid over a third less in state and local taxes on that wealth.…

One Teacher, One Superintendent Preach Bad Math to Boost Referred Law 16

District 8 Senate candidate Charlie Johnson says he hasn't heard one educator express support for Referred Law 16, Governor Daugaard's ideological school-wrecking plan. Here's one: Nicole Keegan of Rapid City East Middle School: Nicole Keegan (not to be confused with…