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Posts tagged as “income”

“Becoming More Like Europe”: Romney Right-Pander, Good Policy Goal

Mitt Romney's campaign slogan, as repeated for the umpteenth time in last night's New Hampshire debate, is, "We're becoming more like Europe!" On so many fronts, one can only wish that were true. Former Madison, Wisconsin, mayor Dave Cieslewicz explains…

Thune: Romney Not Part of the One Percent?

Senator Thune, I don't mind that you're out stumping for Mitt Romney. Participating in the process is great, especially when you're not doing it just to get a vice-presidential nomination. You can endorse Romney, you can stump for Romney... but…

South Dakota Q3 2011 Cost of Living 28th Lowest in U.S.

Neighbor, scribe, and legislator Bernie Hunhoff spent his holiday dinner picking up on a theme I've addressed often on these pages: the myth of South Dakota's amazingly lower cost of living. Hunhoff looks at my favorite cost-of-living summary page and…

Forbes Map Shows County-by-County Migration Trends

The Thanksgiving break is coming up; half of the office is already acting like they're on vacation; why not spend your day messing around with this awesome map of American migration! Forbes grinds up IRS data into an interactive map…

Median Income Drops for Top 1%; Oh! the Risk, the Agony

Dr. Newquist and Mr. Wiken offer their perspectives on the Occupy Wall Street movement. Together they posit that the Occupiers are not dirty hippies (I certainly didn't see any Occupying Rapid City) but citizens responding to the dangers of undemocratically…

South Dakota Personal Income Grows, Still Below National Average

The Daugaard Adminsitration touts Bureau of Economic Analysis data showing South Dakota's per capita personal income grew 3.5% last year. South Dakota had the sixth-largest rate of growth and the 22nd highest per capita personal income among all fifty states.…

United States Exceptionally Dumb About Evolution

Yale poli-sci and econ prof Chris Blattman finds this really cool chart plotting the relationship between national wealth (as measured by gross domestic product per capita) and belief in evolution: Only 40% of Americans deem true the statement that "Human…

2010 Personal Income Up, But Growth Lagging in Sioux Falls

Hey, Sioux Falls! Get your personal income growth back in gear! According to the latest data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, personal income in the Sioux Falls metro area (Minnehaha, McCook, Turner, and Lincoln counties) grew 1.6% in 2010,…