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Posts tagged as “Jason Gant”

HAVA Task Force Restores Indian Voting Rights to State Plan

The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) task force may yet do the right thing for South Dakota's Indian voters. Last week Secretary of State Jason Gant released a draft HAVA state plan that ignored concerns raised about voting access for…

Senate Committee Kills SB 33; Gant Loses Bid to Suppress Indian Vote

The Senate Local Government committee showed some practical sense this morning and killed Senate Bill 33, Secretary of State Jason Gant's latest Indian-voter-suppression trick. In remarkably vague testimony relying mostly on general xenophobia, Secretary Gant testified that the intent of…

SB 33: Gant Tries to Block Private Funding of Indian Voting Centers

Just when it looks like Jason Gant might be getting ready for a year of lame-duck decency, the Secretary of State he stinks up the legislative hopper with this side-attack on Indian voting rights. Bob Mercer notices that Secretary Gant…

Why Some Republicans Hate Republican Stan Adelstein

So Stan Adelstein resigns from the South Dakota Senate, and the opposite-of-classy Pat Powers can only gripe that Adelstein played political hardball with Pat's pals, the same kind of war-college hardball that those pals play with everyone else in their…

HAVA Task Force Hears Affordable Satellite Voting Center Proposal

Four Directions continues to fight for American Indian voting rights in South Dakota. And yesterday, at a task force meeting in Pierre, instead of the obstruction and obfuscation dished out by Secretary of State Jason Gant last summer, Four Directions…

Gant’s Failures Can’t Be Erased by Much-hyped Military Voting Innovation

Secretary of State Jason Gant has gotten three full days of attention in South Dakota's largest newspaper for putting into effect a first-in-the-nation technological advancement that will help overseas military personnel more easily register to vote and secure absentee ballots.…

NSU to Legislature in 2008: EB-5 Investors Only Want Big Projects

Chairman Gant and Legislature Missed Opportunity for Strong Oversight My friend Scott Meyer asked in a provocative column last weekend why then-Governor Mike Rounds and current Governor Dennis Daugaard chose to focus South Dakota's EB-5 visa investor program on huge…