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Posts tagged as “Joop Bollen”

October 2010 Press Release Told Chinese Investors SDRC Was State, Not Private

An eager reader goes hunting for information about Mike Rounds's now notorious EB-5 visa investment program and finds a press release on a Chinese forum, issued exactly four years ago today: 世贸通:美国南州电厂项目四大优势强力保证 2010年10月13日 07:14美通社【大 中 小】 【打印】 共有评论0条 北京2010年10月13日电 /美通社亚洲/…

Bollen Misdeeds Escaped State Risk Management Director’s Attention

I'm still trying to get my head around the full import of Denise Ross's remarkable reportage linking Mike Rounds's brother Dennis to the GOED/NBP/EB-5 scandal (good grief: now on top of all the initials, we've got another Dennis!). Denise Ross…

Rounds Approved Bollen 2009 Contract; Money More Important Than Rules

Mike Rounds insists he wasn't involved in the "transactional details" of his EB-5 program. But he seems to have been keenly aware of one central transaction in the privatization of his EB-5 program: the issuance of a private no-bid contract…

Joop Runs: Bollen “Visiting Family” in Philippines

Even if we can get Senator Larry Tidemann (R-7/Brookings) to do his job and subpoena Mike Rounds's and Dennis Daugaard's EB-5 visa czar Joop Bollen, we may have trouble carrying it out. A reliable source tells me that Joop Bollen…

Wismer Summarizes Sins of EB-5 Scandal

I can understand why Mike Rounds has trouble keeping his story straight on his EB-5 scandal: even we voters have trouble keeping track of all the ways that he let Joop Bollen abuse South Dakota's regulations, trust, and good name.…