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Posts tagged as “Keystone XL”

Obama’s American Jobs Act Creates More Jobs than Keystone XL

Governor Dennis Daugaard and other Republicans tell us we should bend over and take the Keystone XL pipeline because it will bring lots of jobs and economic stimulus. The Department of State puts Keystone XL's job creation between 5000 and…

Daugaard Digs Keystone XL; Heineman, Nobel Laureates Do Not

We can't count on Governor Dennis Daugaard to support efforts to block the Keystone XL pipeline. In a letter to a concerned constituent, Governor Daugaard says he believes TransCanada's handling of the numerous spills at its pumping stations along the…

Keystone XL Oil Headed for China, Not Boosting U.S. Energy Security

On his work blog at Heartland Consumer Power District, McDowell copies and pastes an entire Robert Samuelson essay (without providing a link to the original) on how tapping the Canadian oil sands will promote America's energy security. McDowell tacks on…

TransCanada Pipeline Spills Cause for Caution on Keystone XL

Heather Libby and Emma Pullman turn my list of TransCanada's first-year Keystone spills into a lovely poster: This graphic does not depict the 21 leaks Keystone I had on Canadian soil. Libby and Pullman do question how the U.S. State…

Keystone XL: More Property Tax, Few Local Jobs

I've been reading the Department of State's Final Environmental Impact Statement on TransCanada's proposed Keystone XL pipeline. Numerous commentators are focusing their criticism on the FEIS's environmental analysis. I want to take a look at the section on socioeconomic impacts.…

State Dept Says Keystone XL Fine; 381 Go to Jail to Say Otherwise

The State Department has issued its Final Environmental Impact Statement on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. Canadian oil giant TransCanada wants to build across the western half of South Dakota to ship up to 830,000 barrels of tar sands oil…

After Oil, Keystone XL May Drain Ogallala Aquifer

One of the major concerns about TransCanada's proposed Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline is the possibility that it would contaminate the Ogallala aquifer as it crosses Nebraska. (And remember, Keystone XL is eight times more likely to damage the…