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Posts tagged as “Lake County”

Lake County Gains 125 Jobs in February

February brought better job news for Lake County and its neighbors. According to the latest South Dakota Department of Labor statistics, Lake County gained 125 more jobs in February than it had in January. That brings our unemployment rate down…

9.4% of Lake County Voters Reject Zoning Ordinance

Lake County residents are anarchists at heart... or at least 9.4% of us are. That's the percentage of the local electorate that showed up Tuesday to vote No on proposed revision of our zoning ordinance. 2.6% of our electorate (myself…

Blog Poll: Zoning Ordinance Draws Meager Interest, Might Pass

The latest Madville Times poll asked "Should Lake County voters approve the revised zoning ordinance?" Voters will answer this question at tomorrow's (Tuesday, March 15) special election. The online poll results suggest that whatever the outcome, it won't be decided…

Vote Now: Should Lake County Approve Zoning Amendments?

Lake County sees its second special election of the year next week Tuesday, as the whole county goes to the polls to vote on a major zoning ordinance revision, which my Winfred Freedom Party friends referred to a vote. The…

Lake County Jobs Lowest Since 1999

The South Dakota Department of Labor reports that unemployment in Lake County rose in January to 5.8%, up from 5.4% in December. But pick up Friday's Madison Daily Leader, and you'll see this headline: "County Unemployment Falls Slightly in 2010."…

Lake County Zoning Ordinance Increases Land Use Options

Lake County residents referred a significant overhaul of our zoning ordinance to a public vote. We go to the polls March 15. We can do early voting at the courthouse, but Auditor Kay Schmidt and Auditor-Elect Roberta Janke are not…

Merry Pink Slip! Local Jobs Disappear for Christmas

The December job numbers for Lake County and neighbors brought little holiday cheer. The following table shows job numbers for each county for December, 2010, followed by the monthly and yearly change for each county: County Period Workers Jobs Unemployed…