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Posts tagged as “language”

Stop Focusing on Sound Bites, Says Boehner on Twitter

And in the technoliterary irony department... #roadshow MT @crawford4congress: POTUS needs to focus on solutions, not soundbites — John Boehner (@johnboehner) February 26, 2013 President Obama also posts his four-trillion-dollar savings plan on Twitter.

Rep. Rev. Craig Agrees: School Gunslinger Bill Contains Sloppy Language

On the good side, Rep. Rev. Scott Craig (R-33/Rapid City) recognizes he's wrong about at least one thing in his school-gunslinger bill: Democrat Rep. Paula Hawks asks question about definition of "interface" with police force. Craig agrees with problem of…

Sec. Bones Flunks Holiday Essay

Walt Bones can't write: It seems that our Holiday Season has been commandeered by the “Fiscal Cliff” discussions in Washington, DC. I’m not sure who “Cliff” is but judging by the rhetoric I hear, they must be referencing Cliff Clavin…

Microsoft Hands Me My Pink Slip: Universal Translator Works!

John Kelley sends me some recommendations for enhancing my French curriculum. John says I should add some science, math, and technology objectives (we do use Google Docs!), French history (we do read some articles), and discussion of world economic turmoil…