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Posts tagged as “Libya”

Cain Can’t Answer Question on Libya

Herman Cain joins Rick Perry in demonstrating his complete unreadiness to answer questions of Presidential timber. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial board asked candidate Cain whether he agreed with President Obama on Libya. The result: Shockingly unprepared to answer one…

Wingnut Wishes Qaddafi Weren’t Dead

If the sun rises during the Obama Administration, everyone's going to get skin cancer. Such is the thinking of right-wing radicals like Ed Randazzo. In Libya, a popular uprising ousts and kills dictator Muammar Qaddafi in less than a year.…

Women’s Hero in Libya, Little Qaddafis in Pierre

The CBC radio program As It Happens has been conducting some riveting interviews with Libyan citizens in the midst of revolution. On the Friday, February 25 broadcast, an 18-year-old woman explained what she wants... and what she and her compatriots…