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Posts tagged as “Madison”

Retail Development in Madison “Out of Our Control”

The Lake Area Improvement Corporation and Madison Chamber of Commerce took nearly a year to talk about the results of the big retail survey they conducted last spring, and they still didn't manage to edit out all of their cognitive…

TIF #3: Madison Can’t Build Housing Without Tax Handouts

One of Richard Benda's final public projects was convincing the Lake County Commission to give a tax handout to his employer Lloyd Companies' housing project in Madison. In homage to Benda's crony capitalism, the Madison City Commission is following up…

Madison Voter Turnout So Far: 6.5%. Go Do Some Democracy!

Speaking of mediocre voter turnout, my friend and city commission candidate Ashley Allen reports that so far on what he calls a beautiful spring day, turnout for Madison's municipal election is 6.5%. That's with less than four hours left to…

Madison as “Junk City”: Public, LAIC Flip Positions on Thrift Store

Orland organic ag magnate Charlie Johnson opines Socratically on the "community" thrift store being built on Madison's Main Street: Does anyone know if there was ever a professional study and/or survey taken verifying the feasibility of a new thrift store…

State Law Lets Locals Keep Economic Development Plans Secret

Madison City Commission candidate Ashley Allen bristles at backrooms deals in local government. In a Facebook post this week, Allen cites a blog post by Madison Daily Leader correspondent Chuck Clement (wait: did I just use blog post and Chuck…

Thrift Store Developers Acquire Jensen/LAIC Property for Free

Madison's thrift store relaunched this month as an entirely private, public-subsidy-free project. The private developers began demolition of the old Jensen building this week to make way for their downtown dream project. But the thrift store has already received one…

Wolff on Madison Thrift Store: Disappointing, But Not Worth Opposing

Madison City Commission candidate Jennifer Wolff is disappointed with the new downtown thrift store proposal: Yesterday's front page news was the new community thrift store planned for Madison. Two years ago when this issue came up, it was rife with…

Allen Protests Thrift Store; Will Voters Respond?

[Note: this post discusses the views of Ashley Kenneth Allen, who is also the newest advertiser on the Madville Times. Readers may draw and post their own conclusions as to the accuracy and fairness of this article.] Madison City Commission…