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Posts tagged as “maps”

Hard Sell for Ballot Measures: Mapping Classical Conservatism by County

In classical political parlance, liberals favor change, while conservatives prefer to stick with the status quo. Let's apply that oversimplification to how South Dakota voted this week on ballot issues. Given four amendments, two referenda, and one initiated measure, we…

Lake County Population Spikes; Urban Counties Grow Faster than Rural

Here's some potentially good news for Madison and Lake County... assuming you think bigger is better. According to Census Bureau estimates, from April 2010 to July 2011, Lake County was the fourth-fastest growing county in South Dakota. During that time,…

Forbes Map Shows County-by-County Migration Trends

The Thanksgiving break is coming up; half of the office is already acting like they're on vacation; why not spend your day messing around with this awesome map of American migration! Forbes grinds up IRS data into an interactive map…

Montgomery Makes Marvelous Map! Find Your Future Legislators!

Hey, Woster! Buy that Montgomery guy a sandwich! The interactive map Montgomery created of the proposed legislative districts is simply nifty. On the Rapid City Journal's website, you can now see the new district boundaries as well as the address…

Proposed South Dakota Redistricting Maps Online!

We have maps! The South Dakota Legislature's redistricting committee has produced two maps redrawing the boundaries of the legislative districts that will see us through the coming decade. Here's Option A from Representative Val Rausch and Senator Russell Olson: Here's…

Feds Fund South Dakota Broadband Map

South Dakota has launched a statewide broadband mapping project, thanks to a grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce. The new site,, has cool interactive features allowing citizens to submit data on local Wi-Fi spots and test their own…