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Posts tagged as “marketing”

Beef Potpourri: Johnson vs. Rhoden, Beef Check-Off, Supply for NBP

I wander through the pasture this morning and throw together some beef potpourri (hey, there's a market expander the Beef Board should promote: bottled fragrances to bring the satisfying smell of beef to your house all day long!): Depends on…

Florida Ad Company Produces Bosworth Video, Website

Annette Bosworth doesn't trust her campaign ledger to South Dakotans. She doesn't trust her video production to South Dakotans, either. Remember that little YouTube ad (has it played on real TV yet?) in which Bosworth plagiarized Kristi Noem's 2010 farm-fence,…

Highway 34 Slogan Too Obtuse

A friend from Canada is visiting the Madville Times World Headquarters this weekend. (Homeland Security let her through the border after a brief interrogation; I suspect the NSA has flagged my email and phone for extra attention this weekend.) She…

Denver Post Gives Spearfish Great Write-Up, Thanks to Proud Locals

Denver Post travel writer Kyle Wagner gave Spearfish the kind of write-up that wins Chamber of Commerce directors bonuses. Yet Chamber officials, glossy guidebooks, and fancy city signs and banners don't figure in her account of her wonderful long weekend…

Bosworth: Can’t Aim for Senate Without a Shotgun

To prove she's up to the job of Senator, here's Annette Bosworth's new Twitter profile photo: Wear fatigues, and you're an intimidating eco-terrorist. But add blaze orange and tote a shotgun, and you're a respectable South Dakota candidate. Good grief!…

Republican Spearfish Writes More Sign Regulations

Spearfish is a city keenly concerned with appearances... to some extent, rightfully so. The Queen City's stunning panoramas are a good chunk of the reason people visit and settle here (and why houses cost so much). Several years ago, Guido…

Wanted: Communications Coordinator for Bosworth Senate Campaign

Dr. Annette Bosworth for U.S. Senate? If so, we may be in for an exercise in campaign communications sloppier than Rick Weiland's Tumblr page. From online appearances, someone on Team Bosworth thought it would be brilliant press strategy to announce…