Equality South Dakota is thrilled about yesterday's ruling declaring South Dakota's same-sex-marriage ban unconstitutional: Certain politicians in this state (including Attorney General Marty Jackley, who will continue to waste taxpayer's money fighting equality) still don't seem to get it. It's…
Posts tagged as “marriage”
Federal Judge Karen Schreier has ruled South Dakota's gay marriage ban unconstitutional. In a ruling issued today, Judge Schreier finds in favor of Jennie and Nancy Rosenbrahn and five other South Dakota same-sex couples who sued the state for legal…
Last Saturday was the 13th anniversary of my wife and I's engagement. We got married five months later, but from the moment I took the knee, we viewed our engagement as the point of no return. And we haven't returned.…
On Friday, U.S. Judge Karen Schreier rejected the bulk of the State of South Dakota's arguments for dismissing the challenge to its same-sex marriage ban. Judge Schreier's ruling says the two main cases on which the state leans to call…
Judge Karen Schreier is taking some time to compose her ruling on South Dakota's same-sex marriage ban. While we wait for Judge Schreier to overturn the narrow 2006 majority who wrote that discrimination into our state constitution, how about a…
What will happen when the courts overturn South Dakota's ban on same-sex marriage? Look at Minnesota, where legislators beat the courts to the punch and made gay marriage legal last year, and you'll see the answer is, not much: ...something…
Sweet 16: Colorado joins the list of states whose same-sex marriage bans have fallen before judicial scrutiny. District Court Judge C. Scott Crabtree agreed with nine couples from Denver and Adams counties that Colorado's same-sex marriage ban violates the Constitution.…