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Posts tagged as “Massachusetts”

Brits Love National Health Service; Massachusetts Boosts RomneyCare

Mitt Romney could have mitigated the damage of his ugly, undiplomatic performance in England last week if he had just complimented socialized medicine in the United Kingdom the way he did later in Israel. The Brits love their National Health…

RomneyCare Motivates Massachusetts Lawmakers to Control Costs

When they aren't screaming about death panels and the end of our Constitutional republic, Republicans occasionally offer the rational complaint that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act doesn't do enough to control health care costs. Never mind that adding…

Romney Nomination Will Boost ObamaCare

I'm banking on Mitt Romney winning the GOP nomination, as are most of the bettors at Intrade (Romney's chances this morning: 76.6%). Mealy-mouthed elitist corporate tool that he is, Romney is the only sane one left on the right, and…