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Posts tagged as “Medicaid”

Lowe: Medicaid Expansion Saves Counties Money on Indigent Care

Jumping to the gubernatorial contest, Democratic candidate Joe Lowe endorses one very specific policy: expand Medicaid! A former mayor of Mission Viejo, a community of 100,000 people in southern California, Lowe is critical of the current administration’s failure to expand…

Tsitrian Maps Dem Route to GOP Votes on Wages, Medicaid, and Public Lands

John Tsitrian writes the most interesting Republican blog in South Dakota. Instead of recycling the handouts from party uppity-ups, Tsitrian provides original content, the kind of home-grown research and analysis that makes the South Dakota Blogosphere worth reading and discussing.…

Mitchell Man Would Benefit from Medicaid Expansion

Ronald Fuchs should be the face of the Medicaid expansion debate in South Dakota. The Mitchell man is a regular guy, age 63, suffering from various maladies that make it hard for him to work. Still, he can't get disability…