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Posts tagged as “Medicare”

Government Health Care Doesn’t Cause Longer Wait Times

Mr. Woodring notes that his son is in bad shape, but that the great American medical system isn't letting him down: I am thankful for a medical system where my son can be scheduled for surgery on the very same…

GOP Shuns Town Halls Because Public Input Proves Them Wrong

There's more evidence that Rep. Kristi No-meeting's avoidance of the public this long August recess is part of a larger pattern of Republican behavior. House Republicans desperately want to avoid the negative media imagery of angry town hall crowds, whether…

NoemSpeak: Killing Is Saving, Vouchers Aren’t Vouchers

Ignorance is Kristi Noem's greatest strength. If voters remain ignorant of her actual record, they can believe whatever she says about it. If voters look at the facts alongside her cynically deceptive spin, Noem loses to Barth, Varilek, or a…

SD Dems Hammer Noem on Medicare, Ethanol, Big Oil Subsidies

The South Dakota Democratic Party won't have an official candidate for U.S. House until the June 2012 primary (and by all means, let's have a primary!). But GOP Congresswoman Kristi Noem is already giving Dems plenty of material for the…

Republicans Split by Income on Reducing Deficit vs. Protecting Benefits

Democrats, opportunity is knocking! The esteemed Dr. Blanchard will tell you it's really Democrats like me, not Republicans like Kristi Noem, who are trying to destroy Medicare, what with our impractical commitment to maintaining benefits over reducing the deficit. Even…