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Posts tagged as “North Dakota”

Mercatus Center Deems Dakotas Tops in Freedom… But for Whom?

The Mercatus Center updates its politically agendafied Freedom Index to find that South Dakota has dropped from freest to second-freest state in the Union. Here's their video explaining our second-place ranking: We have great fiscal policy (i.e., low taxes),…

Bakken Man Camps Not Paying County Fees; Will SD Get Same Treatment?

In the thick of the Bakken oil boom, Williams County finds some profiteers not paying their bills. Companies operating temporary housing—the infamous man camps—around Williston owe Williams County over three million dollars in fees related to their conditional use permits.…

Keystone Pumping Station Annoys Neighbors with Noise; TransCanada Plants Trees

You think TransCanada/Keystone pipeline opponents are noisy? Try living next to one of the Keystone pumping stations, like the one near Fort Ransom, North Dakota, that's bothering its neighbors: The Keystone pump station that contains four, 5,000-horsepower electric turbines has…

Plains Energy, Job Growth Not Trickling Down to Reservations

D.A. Barber finds that the booming wealth of the Bakken oil fields isn't trickling down to Native American North Dakotans. He also notes that South Dakota is part of a seemingly inverse relationship between good economic stats for us white…

North Dakota Passes Animal Cruelty Bill Tougher Than Failed SD Measure

South Dakota's ag-industrial lobby freaked out over Senate Bill 171, a measure to make cruelty to dogs, cats, and horses a felony. Lobbyists and legislators quickly snuffed out that bill on baseless fears that out-state animal activists would use this…

Bakken Brings North Dakota Two Billion Budget Surplus; Time for Merger?

Larry "Statehood for Mexico!" Kurtz will love this. The Bakken oil boom is putting a two-billion-dollar surplus in North Dakota's state coffers. Our northerly neighbor runs on a two-year budget, so that's a billion dollars a year. A billion dollars…

No Voter Registration in North Dakota… No Voter Fraud, Either!

Madville Times readers have engaged in spirited discussion of voter identification laws. Some of us worry that efforts like Minnesota's voter ID ballot measure will disenfranchise lower-income voters. Supporters of such restrictions express concern about voter fraud. North Dakota isn't…