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Posts tagged as “oil”

No Hope for Conservatives: Even Howie Backs Corporate Welfare for Big Oil

In the Conservative-Only-When-We-Want-to-Be Department, Gordon Howie proves that even the arch-est conservative caves to crony-corporate the 1%'s objectives. He calls on Washington to protect tax subsidies for Big Oil and protection for corporations shipping operations overseas: Recently, a group of…

Fracking Makes Oil Boom, Beef Bust?

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is making possible an increase in U.S. oil production that... is working in tandem with energy-efficiency policy and technology to lead us toward energy self-sufficiency; made us a net exporter of petro-products in 2011 (tell me…

Tar Sands Hard on Steel, Will Corrode Pipelines

You know that Keystone XL pipeline that President Obama is likely to approve? You know that foreign and possibly faulty steel TransCanada used in the Keystone 1 pipeline and has already been stockpiling here on the Great Plains for Keystone…

Legislative Oil and Gas Committee Proposes New Regulations, Just in Case

Remarkable: the South Dakota Legislature's Oil and Gas interim committee has posted drafts of seventeen pieces of legislation they may consider to regulate the oil and gas industry in South Dakota. Committee member Rep. Spence Hawley (D-7/Brookings) says the committee…

Hyperion Drops Land Options; No Refinery for Union County

The Hyperion refinery is kaput. In August, Hyperion started withholding annual payments and dropping land options in Union County, where it intended to build a tar sands oil refinery. Now on the eve of arguing for an air-quality permit before…

Competitors: Hyperion Refinery Lacks Demand, Infrastructure

Even if Governor Daugaard stacks all of the state regulatory agencies with Big Oil backers, Union County will never see the Hyperion build its proposed oil refinery. As has been well documented here and elsewhere, it's not hippies who will…