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Posts tagged as “Patricia Miller”

Adelstein Endorses Krebs; Dems Need SOS Candidate to Lead Conversation

Tomorrow morning, the South Dakota Republican Party will choose its candidate for Secretary of State. Since my Democratic Party has not yet announced any candidate for perhaps the most contestable office on the ballot this fall, the SDGOP may indeed…

Chris Nelson Endorses Krebs for Secretary of State

The fight for the SDGOP nomination for Secretary of State may be more interesting than the primary battle for the Senate nomination. Just when I thought Assistant Secretary Patricia Miller's announcement and endorsements signaled that the GOP was ready to…

Pat Miller Announces; GOP Says Heave Ho, Shantel Krebs!

I'll say this for South Dakota Republicans: they can be pretty clever. First they get Senator Shantel Krebs to do their dirty work and pressure Secretary of State Jason Gant not to run for re-election. Krebs is so sure this…

GOP Mud-Wrestling: Miller Encouraged to Challenge Krebs for SOS

Here I thought Shantel Krebs was the South Dakota Republican Party's hero, or at least their dutiful heavy, for uprooting the scandalously incompetent Jason Gant from the 2014 candidates' garden. But now some Republicans sound like they want to throw…