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Posts tagged as “poverty”

Nathan Johnson Tackles Poverty and Crude Commenters

While I was away, Nathan Johnson published a really good essay asking who's to blame for poverty. Johnson doesn't want to get personal; he wants to focus attention on the role of "educational opportunity, low wages and lack of a…

Covenant Marriage Doesn’t Fight Divorce or Poverty

An eager reader brings to my attention an opinion column from Rapid City furniture mogul Bob Fischer. The essay starts of gently enough, reminding us that Jesus was poor (Occupy the Temple!) and that we ought to help the poor.…

Pay the Poor: Good Results in Brazil and Mexico

Why, oh why would any decent citizen support redistributing income? It's socialism! It's fostering dependency of the poor! It's... it's... ...staggeringly successful at fighting income inequality, poverty, illiteracy, and disease. In 40 countries, conditional cash transfer programs give money to…

South Dakota Shows Extremes in Poverty, Income

I suppose I shouldn't get too excited about South Dakota's supposedly growing wealth. GDP growth be darned, South Dakota is still home to the most impoverished county in the United States. Take a look at the data from the U.S.…