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Posts tagged as “privacy”

HB 1263: Require HIV Testing of Convicted Hookers and Clients

Now there's something you don't see every day: a bill to require convicted hookers and johns to get tested for AIDS. Such is the nature of House Bill 1263, pitched by Rep. Bob Deelstra (R-9/Hartford). Rep. Deelstra would require anyone…

Lora Hubbel Sees Mark of Beast in Driver’s License

South Dakota Republicans redrew our legislative districts to force Rep. Lora Hubbel (R-11/Sioux Falls) into a primary for very good reason: she keeps stinking up their party with nutty ideas. Her latest: Rep. Hubbel is writing a bill to save…

Protect Privacy of Crisis Pregnancy Centers: Veto HB 1217

Governor Dennis Daugaard will decide this week whether he will veto House Bill 1217 or whether he will nullify women's reproductive privacy in South Dakota. But if that loss of privacy won't stop HB 1217, perhaps the loss of privacy…

SB 71: Ban Texting While Driving, and Hand Cops Your Facebook Account?

Senate Bill 71, which would ban texting while driving, passed the South Dakota Senate Thursday, 26&ndash9. I noticed that Senator Angie Buhl (D-15/Sioux Falls) was in the Nay column alongside Senator Russell Olson (R-8/Wentworth). How could the great liberal hope…