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Posts tagged as “protest”

Buddhist Nun Leads Protest Walk along Keystone XL Route into South Dakota

So two Buddhists and a Lutheran walk into a forest... Bret Clanton sends photos of his encounter with Buddhist monk Shodo Spring and her Compassionate Earth Walk team. Spring's group is protesting our alienation and environmental predations and offering "a…

Rapid City Committee to Draft Anti-Uranium Mining Resolution Wednesday

Last week the Rapid City Council voted to draft a resolution expressing the city's official opposition to Powertech's proposed uranium in-situ leach mining project in the southern Black Hills. They initially kicked that task to the Public Works Committee, which…

Brewer Bounced from Whiteclay Beer Protest for Bad Check

What got Oglala Sioux Tribe President Bryan Brewer arrested yesterday in Whiteclay, Nebraska? He was leading his people to block a beer truck from making its delivery: That yellow object the deputy draws at 1:19 is a taser. The protester…

Citizens Protest Legislature’s Use of Tax Dollars for ALEC Dues

As of this early morning, 791 people have signed this online petition protesting our Legislature's use of tax dollars to pay dues to the crony-capitalist American Legislative Exchange Council for all 105 of its members and their travel expenses to…

Resistance to Lakota Honor Song Brings Call for Chamberlain Boycott

Area students and a Lakota/Dakota drum group will honor all Chamberlain High School graduates with a Native song at Sunday's graduation ceremony. They'll do it outside the high school as graduates leave the building. For not accepting that honor song…

Cheyenne River Councilwoman Calls TransCanada Wasicu Rapists

TransCanada representatives showed up at the tribal office in Eagle Butte to talk up the Keystone XL pipeline, which will cross the Cheyenne River just outside the southwest corner of the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation. They had a closed-door meeting…