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Posts tagged as “protest”

March for Women’s Rights April 28 in Brookings, Pierre, and Rapid City

South Dakota is a rotten place for women's health and policy. Chamberlain government students, Lower Brule tribal members, include that discussion in your questions to Rep. Kristi Noem during her barely announced visit Monday afternoon. Maybe also ask Rep. Noem…

Raise Gasoline Prices to Win an Election?

The continuingly clueless Dakota War College labels "brilliant" the SD-GOP's braying about gasoline prices and President Obama's fault therefor: You and I and Mitt Romney know that's bogus. It's perhaps also worth noting that gas prices were at that anomalously…

Stay Feisty — Fight HB 1234

Feist is our kids. The dancers are we teachers. And our legislators are the narrow-minded corporate-hack producers who don't understand good music. 1234, that's the bill we need to kill. Sleepless long nights Merit pay makes teachers ill. Old ALEC…

Stop Daugaard’s Education Package, Study the Problem Instead

Last Pitch Before Committee! Save our schools: sign and share this online petition today! Governor Daugaard's spokesman and point man on education policy Tony Venhuizen hands out details on changes to HB 1234, the Governor's education reform package. The math/science…