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Posts tagged as “R. Blake Curd”

Dr. Curd Says Vote Yes on IM 17; So May Your Bill!

Oh, no—don't tell me I've got to start agreeing with doctor and State Senator R. Blake Curd: The orthopedic surgeon steps out from the operating table to encourage our Yes vote on Initiated Measure 17, the "Any Willing Provider" insurance…

Curd Linked to Donor Swapping for Tough-Guy New York Congressman

A New York Congressman threatens to throw a reporter "off this f—ing balcony" immediately after the State of the Union and explains that he was enforcing professionalism and respect. What does this fracas have to do with South Dakota? The…

R. Blake Is Back! Daugaard Appoints Dr. Curd to District 12 Senate

From right to hard right? After appointing Paul Ryan true believer Joseph Schartz as student regent, Governor Dennis Daugaard reached out and pulled Tea Party faker R. Blake Curd back into the Legislature. Ah, yes, because Sioux Falls doesn't send…