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Posts tagged as “recreation”

SB 1: SD Senate Leads off with Tax Increase on Boats

For a moment, I thought maybe the Occupy movement had gotten its message across to the South Dakota Legislature. The first bill in the Senate hopper calls for an increase in taxes on large boats. Take that, 1%! Ah, but…

New Trails! Old 14, Lookout Mountain, Iron Creek Lake

Another weekend, another few fine hours out on the open road. Before it rained Saturday, I got out to see Old Highway 14 west of Spearfish. Roads with "Old" in their name get automatic bonus points. Belle Fourche is out…

Sunday Bike Ride: Spearfish, Cheyenne Crossing, Lead-Deadwood Loop!

Another Sunday, another trip up the canyon. This time I pedaled up to Savoy, turned left, and kept going. By my VW odometer (which, interestingly, runs 3% fast), the distance from my new Spearfish digs to Cheyenne Crossing is just…

Pay-off for Running Four Miles Uphill: Black Hills View!

I went biking and trail-running yesterday. I rode up Spearfish Canyon to the Iron Creek trailhead. I parked the bike by a tree and jogged uphill... and uphill... and past some cows... and more uphill. Even though I knew the…

Europe to America: Take a Vacation!

With summer vacation purportedly upon us, I note with heightened interest this CNN article about America's disinclination to take a break. According to "No-Vacation Nation" by the Center for Economic and Policy Research, we are the only advanced nation not…

Your Tax Dollars at Work: TVs for Community Center

The Madison City Commission voted Monday night to put $40,000 toward upgrades to the Community Center. That money will come not just from members but from all taxpayers. Included in the planned upgrades for our town's best exercise facility: possibly…