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Posts tagged as “referendum”

Governor Presses, House Keeps Referred Law 14 on Ballot

...but not without more GOP monkeyshines! Governor Dennis Daugaard appears to have applied the appropriate pressure to his good soldiers in the Legislature. Last Friday, Rep. Brock Greenfield (R-6/Clark) moved to turn SB 170 into a blatant attempt to subvert…

K-12 Funding Lawsuit Note: Referring Opt-Outs Risks Violating Constitution

Yesterday the South Dakota Supreme Court upheld a district court's ruling that our state's system of funding K-12 education is not unconstitutional. Outgoing Justice Judith Meierhenry wrote the unanimous opinion affirming the prior ruling of her incoming replacement on the…

RVers Swell Voter Rolls, Hinder Local Initiative and Referendum

Following our poorly attended municipal and school board election in April, I discovered that Madison's registered voter numbers are inflated by over 1100 voters who don't really live in Madison. Local business makes money providing mailbox services to recreational…

SDGOP Chair Gripes Dems Put Politics over Policy, Ignores Numbers

Pot-kettle-black! If Secretary Gant certifies the HB 1230 referral petitions he received yesterday, we'll have plenty of time to duke it out on this issue during the 2012 general election. But South Dakota Republican chairman Tim Rave, who voted for…