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Posts tagged as “Referred Law 14”

Voters Have Trouble Believing Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce members say the darndest things. Today's laugh line comes from David Owen, president of the South Dakota Chamber, discussing his disappointment with the failure of Referred Law 14, Governor Dennis Daugaard's corporate welfare plan: The biggest problem…

Daugaard Spins “Apology”, Still Says Voters Uninformed

KELO actually tries to apply a little heat to Governor Dennis Daugaard for saying the voters who turned down his two (count them! two!) signature pieces of legislation Tuesday were just tired and stupid. Sensing the Facebook rage over the…

Daugaard in Denial, Calls South Dakotans Stupid and Tired

South Dakotans spanked Governor Dennis Daugaard hard at the polls Tuesday, overturning two of his signature pieces of legislation with resounding No votes on Referred Laws 14 and 16. Predictably, Governor Daugaard denies that any such thing happened. He says…

District 18 Candidates Split on 14; Unanimous Against IM15 and RL 16

Excellent! The 2012 Legislative campaign is going exactly as I planned. By placing three significant policy issues on the ballot, we voters have forced legislative candidates to talk about real substantial questions about our priorities in Pierre. Nathan Johnson reports…

Mitchell Paper Endorses Referred Law 14 on Wishful Thinking

The Mitchell Daily Republic editorial board is really bad at political arguments. They have endorsed Referred Law 14, Governor Dennis Daugaard's "Large Project Development Fund, based entirely on hopes and wishes. The Mitchell editors acknowledge the very clear problem of…