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Posts tagged as “religion”

God, Guns, and Gordon… Because Real Policy-Making Is Too Hard

Independent U.S. Senate candidate Gordon Howie gleefully presents his new campaign bumper sticker: God, guns, and Gordon—ah, yes, a perfect triumvirate of things that are mostly useless when it comes to solving practical policy problems. But that's o.k.: you don't…

Gordon Howie, David Brat, God, Capitalism, and Rome

Gordon Howie believes David Brat's primary upset of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in Virginia's Seventh District bodes well for Howie's hard Indy climb against Mike Rounds for South Dakota's U.S. Senate seat: While this is being tagged as a…

“The People Rule?” Agreed! “Under God”? Problem…

Gordon Howie asks me what I think of religion in government. I could just say, No, thank you. Instead, I say, Down with the state motto! Really, I think requiring all South Dakotans to labor under the motto "Under God…

Supreme Court Allows City Councils to Pray, Endorse Not Coerce Religion

The bare conservative majority of the Supreme Court voted wrong on official government prayer yesterday. In a 5–4 decision on Town of Greece v. Galloway, the Supreme Court ruled that city councils and other legislative bodies may engage in public…

Miller School Allows Gideons to Violate Constitution with Bible Handouts

Our neighbors on the Miller School Board are busy mingling church and state: After the preliminaries of reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and approving the meeting’s agenda, minutes from the March 10 and March 24 board meetings, monthly financial report…