Teaching to different learning styles is a big deal in education. During the last two years teaching French at Spearfish High School, I received formal evaluations that included items like "preparation for student learning differences" and "motivation and direction of…
Posts tagged as “research”
Heck, the Madville Times works as well as FOIA! Donald Pay's posting here that Daugaard Administration might be angling to bring a nuclear waste dump to South Dakota got some attention in Pierre. Sioux Falls paper says Governor Daugaard is…
Holy glowing cow! If you're trying to work up the courage to run against Dennis Daugaard for Governor in 2014, let this stiffen your spine: Governor Daugaard may be setting South Dakota up to host a nuclear waste dump. To…
Senator John Thune has contended that our national debt puts us at risk of an economic train wreck. He has cited the 90% debt-to-GDP ratio as a "tipping point" for... well... some kind of trouble. (Our current national debt-to-GDP ratio…
New research show that inviting citizens to participate early in crafting their governments' budgets doesn't just live up to our democratic ideals; it saves lives: Hai Guo, a professor of public budgeting and finance at Florida International University, set out…
Rep. Sue Wismer (D-1/Britton) knows as well as anyone else that we're not going to convince South Dakota Republicans to accept a state income tax any time soon. But it doesn't hurt to keep poking the Republican mythology that keeps…
...because it doesn't work! I'll be watching the first Presidential debate tonight and kibbitzing via Twitter. Part of the debate will focus on health care, wherein the Republican who prototyped the Affordable Care Act will deny history and reality to…
"Hi, I'm collecting signatures to refer Governor Daugaard's education bill to a public vote. Would you like to sign?" That simple pitch has gotten me 243 signatures on my HB 1234 referendum petitions so far. About half the time, that's…