Even the slaves to conservative opinion who edit the Rapid City Journal admit that low teacher pay is making it hard for South Dakota schools to fill teaching positions. Last week’s front-page Journal story on school districts that are having…
Posts tagged as “retirement”
The South Dakota Employee Health Plan is raising premiums on retirees. The hike is so bad, the state had to break it up into two phases. Retirees will see their rates go up on July 1. The second phase of…
My tabs are like tribbles; time to clear the queue! Teen pregnancy and abortion rates are at all-time lows in the U.S. The Guttmacher Institute reports that from 2008 to 2010, teen pregnancy and abortion rates declined in every state…
Do all those South Dakota officials busted for corruption forfeit their pensions? Too bad for them if they do: South Dakota has one of the best-funded state pension systems in the country. Governing points us toward a new analysis from…
In our continuing fight for economic justice, I yield the floor to Yankton reporter and commentator Nathan Johnson, because he is right, and because he writes so well: If Americans truly want to address the poverty that is growing around…
Remember the grousing around Lake County back around the beginning of 2010 when school superintendents at Madison and Chester resigned, then got rehired so they could start collecting retirement benefits while still taking their salaries before the Legislature nixed that…
The welcomely resurgent Displaced Plainsman finds this flyer from California Congressman Devin Nunes (who blogs! the Congressman blogs!) promoting public pension reform. The good news? The South Dakota Retirement System (in which my wife and I both have some chips)…