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Posts tagged as “Rick Weiland”

Press Stuck in Time Warp in Rick Weiland Coverage

The press here in South Dakota and abroad regularly shorthands Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Rick Weiland as "former Congressional staffer" or "former Daschle staffer." Don't résumés usually operate in reverse chronological order? Wouldn't it make more journalistic sense to refer…

Rick Weiland Gets Help from Anti-Nuke Council for a Livable World

No more nukes! You don't hear that campaign slogan in South Dakota much. But maybe Rick Weiland is adding that line to his list. David Montgomery reports that the anti-nuke Council for a Livable World is endorsing Weiland in South…

Annette Bosworth, Holy War-Monger

Update 16:59 CDT: Annette Bosworth's beacon, Che Guevara, also wanted America to over-extend itself in multiple Vietnams. * * * David Montgomery gets all five of South Dakota's U.S. Senate candidates on the record in opposition to attacking Syria... well,…

Weiland Campaign: 123 Towns in 36 Days

Unlike Marion Michael Rounds, who seems to be focusing his Senate campaign on big fundraising events that give him an excuse to fuel up his private plane with campaign donations, Rick Weiland has caféstormed over 100 South Dakota towns in…

Stace Nelson Threatens Total Abortion Ban, Except by Rare Judge’s Order

Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate Rick Weiland wants to focus on the economy, health care, and corporations' anti-democratic domination of politics. He doesn't think social issues will be a big issue in the 2014 election. Republican candidate for U.S. Senate…