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Posts tagged as “rights”

Rand Memo to Ryan: Abortion Is a Moral Right

Via Jezebel... Given how often Paul Ryan said he rereads Ayn Rand, I wonder how he could have missed Rand's position on abortion: An embryo has no rights. Rights do not pertain to a potential, only to an actual being.…

Obama Carries on FDR Legacy, Certifies Gays Can Fight for America

President Barack Obama certified the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell yesterday. Uncle Sam's discrimination against homosexuals who are willing to fight and die for this great country ends on September 20. I move we change the date of "Patriot…

New York Affirms Homosexuals Are Americans, Too

New York's legalization of same-sex marriage makes clear that this land was made for you and me and that nice gay couple down the block. U-S-A! U-S-A! Please pardon my goosebumps. Those cheers make clear that the dreaded "radical homosexual…

Sex Is a Right, Contra Christian Hypocrites

The night time is the right time... I generally avoid Bob Ellis's "Dakota" Voice in part because it is not a "Dakota Voice." Ellis's regurgitations of Tea Party talking points could come from anywhere. With nothing original to say, he…

Neighbor Thinks Taxing Ammo Violates Constitution

My neighbors say some nutty things. In a message to Congresswoman Kristi Noem, Ed Kohl of Madison laments taxes on ammunition: May 26, 2011 Dear Rep. Noem, Please support Paul's bill to protect gun rights from more infringement, infact the…

New Jersey Mandates Public Employees Live in State

J.C. Palmer of Huron raised the issue of public employee residence in an earlier comment section. Now New Jersey Governor Chris Christie raises the question of public employees' freedom to live where they want by signing a bill requiring public…

Sioux Falls Proposes Searching Teachers’ Personal Property

Good grief: can we work anywhere anymore without giving up our basic Constitutional rights? Mr. Ehrisman alerts me to the Sioux Falls School District's effort to nullify the Fourth Amendment for its teachers: The local teachers union opposes a proposed…