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Posts tagged as “science”

Blanchard Trades Political Blogging for Defense of Darwin

Alas! The gentleman I've often considered the last best conservative hope of South Dakota's blogosphere is stepping out of the arena... or at least to an interesting conference room in the annex across the street next to the Fry'n Pan.…

Tar Sands Hard on Steel, Will Corrode Pipelines

You know that Keystone XL pipeline that President Obama is likely to approve? You know that foreign and possibly faulty steel TransCanada used in the Keystone 1 pipeline and has already been stockpiling here on the Great Plains for Keystone…

South Dakota Forces Doctors to Lie to Women

The Eighth Circuit's affirmation of South Dakota's deformed consent law for abortion is bad. Want to know how bad? Read Michelle Goldberg's assessment in The Daily Beast. She finds the court has declared it legal for the state to lie…

Ag Bill Makes New Monsanto Products Immune to Courts and Regulatory Review

Here's something else about which Kristi Noem has been silent on the House Agriculture Committee: the "Monsanto rider." Section 733 of the FY 2013 Agriculture Appropriations Bill provides Monsanto and other biotech companies with a stunningly unconstitutional gift. Suppose a…

Primary Day Shadow: NASA Video Captures Transit of Venus

A Facebook pal commented on the election results in Wisconsin. I replied that I hadn't even raised my periscope to look outside the South Dakota primary yet. I should have raised my telescope. Yesterday Venus passed directly between the Earth…